Gay Elder Circle – July 2022

Dear Elders, Brothers, Cousins, Friends,

Touching base, moving forward.  The past is present and the present is the past.  This was PRIDE 2022.  Massive PRIDE events in West Hollywood followed by Hollywood/Los Angeles.  Much smaller PRIDE events in surrounding cities.  Yet, in a time of upheaval in our country, no signs of LGBTQ+ activism, demonstrations, anger that was part of our collective lived experience as we face loss of LGBTQ+ Civil Rights.
PRIDE as an outgrowth of trauma?  Some may say yes.  PRIDE is an end result of years of structural and institutional oppression, police brutality, invalidation and countless micro-aggressions.  When the now LGBTQ+ older adults collectively said “enough”. 
PRIDE is also years of challenging those very structural and institutional barriers.  For LGBTQ+ older adults we call this resiliency.  For younger LGBTQ+ adults and younger its packaged as “trauma informed”.  Two sides of the same coin?  A topic for discussion. 
On this, let us move forward. Read our July newsletter here.

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