Gay Elder Circle – Oct. 11, 2020

Dear Elders, Brothers, Cousins, Friends,
We hope our newsletter finds you safe and healthy. We find ourselves as a cross-roads during LGBTQIA2-S History Month. We as Elders in the community are History. We have made History. We have written about History. We have reflected about History. We are making History. Before we become Ancestors we are seeing a huge change that will have an enormous change on our LGBTQIA2-S community. This is examined in this month’s newsletter.
City of West Hollywood Update:
The City of West Hollywood has slowly begun opening parks and other businesses, however, while California experienced one large, extended COVID-19 exposure, many parts of the Country is now experiencing a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our ability to hold a monthly a meeting a Plummer Park continues to be on or off depending on the pandemic.
Our full newsletter may be accessed here: